Lochcarron with Julia

Saturday 3rd to Tuesday 6th May 2008

Strome Islands, Plockton and Skye from Strome Castle

Strome Islands, Plockton and Skye from Strome Castle

Saturday 4:02 PM

Loch Kishorn

Loch Kishorn

Saturday 4:56 PM

Julia painting from by the castle

Julia painting from by the castle

Saturday 4:57 PM

Ben Alligin and Upper Loch Torridon

Ben Alligin and Upper Loch Torridon

Monday 12:30 PM

Julia photographs the scene

Julia photographs the scene

Monday 12:33 PM

Loch Maree and the new Kinlochewe road

Loch Maree and the new Kinlochewe road

Monday 4:53 PM

Commando Memorial near Spean Bridge

Commando Memorial near Spean Bridge

Tuesday 2:47 PM