Ashery Pot

Friday 28th August 2020

The main streamway, with Julian Walford.

Julian in the first streamway

Julian in the first streamway

12:36 PM

First streamway

First streamway

12:41 PM

Archway, at the end of Sand Crawls

Archway, at the end of Sand Crawls

12:52 PM

Salvona Streamway

Salvona Streamway

1:06 PM

Salvona Streamway

Salvona Streamway

1:07 PM

In the streamway

In the streamway

1:09 PM

Pretty corner

Pretty corner

1:15 PM

Straw grotto

Straw grotto

1:25 PM

Upstream in the Salvona Streamway

Upstream in the Salvona Streamway

1:37 PM