CUHWC trip to Dartmoor. Mike and Lizzie appeared on the Sunday, so we got an Old Duffers' mini-meet, too.

Old clapper bridge at Dartmeet
Saturday 9:35 AM

Setting off
Saturday 9:35 AM

Contemplating the stepping stones across the West Dart
Saturday 9:39 AM

Tom confidently shows how it's done
Saturday 9:42 AM

Looking a bit wobbly...
Saturday 9:42 AM

...a possible recovery...
Saturday 9:42 AM

...and that's a bad fall!
Saturday 9:42 AM

More Hillwalkers cross the river
Saturday 9:45 AM

Anton crosses, followed by Helen and Tom
Saturday 9:46 AM

Meanwhile, the other Tom empties out the consequences of his slip
Saturday 9:46 AM

Rural idyll
Saturday 10:01 AM

Gordon behind the lens
Saturday 10:14 AM

Combestone Tor
Saturday 10:16 AM

Gordon playing on the tor
Saturday 10:17 AM

Tom, Hannah and Helen on the tor
Saturday 10:17 AM

Gordon finds the perfect vantage
Saturday 10:18 AM

Saturday 10:18 AM

Saturday 10:20 AM

Saturday 10:20 AM

Reaching the summit of Ryder's Hill
Saturday 11:18 AM

Dartmoor pony
Saturday 11:56 AM

Eastern vista
Saturday 12:10 PM

Descending to Holne
Saturday 12:11 PM

Saturday 12:32 PM

Tom checks the drying of his trousers
Saturday 12:57 PM

Saturday 12:58 PM

Saturday 1:26 PM

Church House Inn, Holne
Saturday 1:31 PM

Autumn trees in the Dart valley
Saturday 1:42 PM

In the woods
Saturday 1:46 PM

River Dart
Saturday 1:54 PM

Saturday 1:58 PM

Crossing the so-called "New Bridge" - no longer very new
Saturday 2:04 PM

Hannah and Helen enjoy ice-creams
Saturday 2:09 PM

... and Tom has a huge one!
Saturday 2:09 PM

On again, under New Bridge
Saturday 2:25 PM

A cooperative Dartmoor Pony modelled for us
Saturday 2:39 PM

The wooded Dart gorge
Saturday 3:16 PM

Sharp Tor
Saturday 4:01 PM

Saturday 4:25 PM

Descending the final hill on the road
Saturday 4:31 PM

New and old bridges, back at Dartmeet
Saturday 4:35 PM

Gordon meditating in the bunkhouse
Saturday 6:06 PM

Lizzie and Mike crossing the Blackbrook River near the bunkhouse
Sunday 9:52 AM

Sunday 10:22 AM

Sunday 11:15 AM

Sunday 11:15 AM

Beardown Tors
Sunday 12:06 PM

Cowsic River valley
Sunday 12:14 PM

Mike crossing the Cowsic
Sunday 12:14 PM

White Tor
Sunday 12:32 PM

Standing stone
Sunday 12:51 PM

Prehistoric hut circle
Sunday 1:35 PM

Mossy rock
Sunday 1:36 PM

Cox Tor
Sunday 2:09 PM

Merrivale quarry
Sunday 2:23 PM

Quarry crane
Sunday 2:29 PM

Quarry crane
Sunday 2:31 PM

Sunbeam sky
Sunday 3:31 PM

Dartmoor Prison, Princetown
Sunday 4:08 PM