Another Lochcarron visit, this time exploring the Sanachan mines at Kishorn and Uamh a' Bhreugadair at Applecross.

Sgurr a' Chaorachain
Sunday 2:28 PM

Beinn Bhan from Kishorn
Sunday 2:28 PM

David at the entrance to the copper mine
Sunday 2:41 PM

David and Richard at the end of the mine
Sunday 2:47 PM

At the end
Sunday 2:47 PM

Toad on the wall
Sunday 2:48 PM

The entrance tunnel
Sunday 2:50 PM

David inside the entrance
Sunday 2:53 PM

Swallow's nest
Sunday 2:54 PM

The entrance to the upper (iron) mine
Sunday 3:04 PM

Richard in the entrance passage
Sunday 3:25 PM

Toad in mud
Sunday 3:30 PM

Crossing a pool the easy way and the hard way!
Sunday 3:48 PM

Wooden tub remnants
Sunday 3:50 PM

Streaky bacon curtains
Sunday 4:02 PM

Coloured curtains
Sunday 4:03 PM

Coloured gours at the end of a passage
Sunday 4:06 PM

David in black-floored passage
Sunday 4:09 PM

Richard at the entrance to Uamh nam Breagaire
Tuesday 11:44 AM

Flowstone Pot
Tuesday 12:32 PM

Richard in Straw Chamber
Tuesday 1:07 PM

David in Straw Chamber
Tuesday 1:13 PM

The big formation in the roof
Tuesday 1:15 PM

Richard about to crawl through the puddle
Tuesday 1:45 PM

Toby in the Lower Entrance passage (Jawbone Passage)
Tuesday 2:31 PM